What is container orchestration?

Before we dive into Kubernetes, first of all, you need to know what container orchestration is. Container technologies have radically changed the landscape of systems and the way software is packaged and deployed. Some of the benefits that containers bring are portability, agility, speed, immutability, and fault isolation.

A container orchestrator is a software that manages and coordinates containers in an automated way. There are several container orchestration tools such as Docker Swarm, Google Container Engine, Amazon ECS, and others. However, in this post, we will focus on Kubernetes, where we will explain the concept, most notable components of the tool and discuss the benefits that Kubernetes can offer, among other points.

Definition – What is Kubernetes?

Originally developed by Google, Kubernetes, or k8s for short, is a container orchestration tool. Kubernetes facilitates the deployment and operation of applications in a microservices architecture. It does this by creating an abstraction layer on top of a cluster of hosts, so development teams can deploy their applications and let Kubernetes manage the deployment of containers.

Platforms that offer Kubernetes

There are several cloud platforms that offer Kubernetes as a service. These platforms make the job easier by providing an interface that makes it easy to deploy applications on Kubernetes without having to worry about configuring and managing the various components of the cluster. Some of them are Amazon EKS, Digitalocean, OpenShift, or Rancher, among others.

Some Kubernetes cluster elements

Kubernetes has a number of features that allow you to provision and deploy your own containerized software. If you’re new to Kubernetes, the terminology can be new, and require some extra learning. Here are some of the basics:

There are other Kubernetes components such as daemonsets, namespaces, replicaSets, secrets, and even custom resources. The ones mentioned here are the ones you are most likely to interact with when deploying applications on Kubernetes.

Learn more about when and how to use Kubernetes  

Do you want to know more about k8s? In our Youtube channel, we explain you from a business perspective, what needs it covers, its advantages, and when to use it. 👇

Geko and Kubernetes – Why choose Geko Cloud?

If you are using or considering using containers to streamline building, scaling, and deploying your microservices-based application, Kubernetes gives you the ability to manage the infrastructure using declarative YAML files.

Container lifecycle management with Kubernetes using your deployments and operators along with a DevOps approach allows software development and IT operations to adapt to support the CI/CD channel. At Geko Cloud we are at your disposal if you are looking for a partner to implement Kubernetes, migrate to the cloud, move to a microservices model or manage your platform in the cloudContact us to find out more about our services.

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