Azure cost estimate

When moving to a new cloud provider, pricing is an important factor to be taken into account which also raises quite a lot of doubts and concerns. Azure offers a huge number of different services, products, and location. All at different rates. Estimate your cost Azure provides you with a comprehensive tool to estimate the […]

Staging environments in Azure: Why should you try App Services Slots?

App Services Maybe you have heard about App Services, the Azure PaaS where you can host your API, web and mobile applications. This service is aimed to developers since its phylosofy is that you have to worry only about your code, Azure will handle everything else. You just pick your application development stack, upload your […]

AWS vs Azure, which one should I choose?

Introduction Migrating to the cloud is becoming increasingly common and convenient for most companies that work on the Internet, given that it offers advantages such as scalability, agility, cost reduction, availability, etc. But when it comes to deciding on a cloud provider, how do we decide which one is the most convenient? We are going […]