Jenkins X is here to help you

Most probably you already know what Jenkins is and maybe you are already using it for years to help you to automate all kind of things, specially software development process with continuous integration and delivery. From mid 2018 we have another guy on the stage: Jenkins X. This is the first post of a series […]

Dependency Track: Analyze your vulnerabilities from the use of third-party components

In this post we are going to talk about the OWASP tool called Dependency-Track. To start, a good question is…. What is Dependency-Track? Dependency Track is a vulnerability analysis tool that audits the components or external libraries that we use for our applications. This tool has integrations with different vulnerability databases such as NPM Public […]

Jenkins X preview environments

This is the second post about Jenkins X of a series of posts that we will write. Some weeks ago we wrote an introductory post talking about what is Jenkins X and how can help you to deploy your application into a kubernetes cluster. This time we will talk about a Jenkins X feature called […]

Staging environments in Azure: Why should you try App Services Slots?

App Services Maybe you have heard about App Services, the Azure PaaS where you can host your API, web and mobile applications. This service is aimed to developers since its phylosofy is that you have to worry only about your code, Azure will handle everything else. You just pick your application development stack, upload your […]