How-to: Install cert-manager with HTTP validation in Kubernetes

Struggling with certificates can be a headache, but luckily for us in Kubernetes we can use cert-manager and let it manage everything to easily create any certificate that we need. In this how-to we will cover how to install cert-manager in our cluster as well as how to perform HTTP validation. We will also learn […]

“Alternative” managed Kubernetes

Introduction We are all familiar with the “big three” offer in managed Kubernetes: EKS, GKE and AKS. But today, apart from the former and a few more who want to play in the same league (Oracle or IBM, for example), there are other less well-known providers that, unable to compete with the service catalog, try […]

NFS volumes in Docker containers

In many cases we find ourselves using a volume in the docker that is shared from another server via NFS. For this purpose, the docker includes its own NFS driver that will allow us to use this volume directly without having to run it on the host machine. We have different options when using these NFS […]

Kubernetes CronJobs – A deeper look

Introduction Nowadays is more and more common for companies to migrate some parts of their infrastructure —or even the entire company— to the cloud. There are two main approaches: Stay as close as possible to the previous architecture by using VMs, or bet for flexibility/scalability/availability and go for a new perspective by using a container […]

Load and stress web testing with Taurus

Introduction There are plenty of tools to test your web performance, each of them have their pros and cons and besides that you probably will end up choosing whichever you already know and you feel more comfortable with. In this post we would like to write about a tool we have recently known. That is […]

Kubectl Plugins in just 3 steps

Introduction Many times to fullfill our daily tasks we find ourselves in the situation of having to build our own tools to solve specific problems or situations. In this note I am going to show you how easy it is to create a plugin for kubectl. A plugin is simply an executable program that allows […]

A quick view of modules in Terraform

Introduction Modules in Terraform are a collection of resources that can be linked or just created individually. When we call a module, we are calling a file with a bunch of resources with some parameters inside, parameters we need either to specify in the resource itself or in another file which stores our variables. Why […]

GCP Cloud SQL – Recovering an accidentally deleted database

Introduction It all started with a simple message: “Hello Geko, we are receiving a DB connection timeout“. It took less than 2 minutes to discover what was going on: The database was deleted. Lots of facepalms after, the main task was to recover the data (and also the service). Fortunately, Google enforces the backup policies […]

Harbor: Private docker registry in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestrator and therefore you need somewhere to store your container images for Kubernetes to pull them. There’s a wide variety of managed and unmanaged solutions to choose for this matter: cloud registry, dockerhub, private registry on a vm… or a private registry in Kubernetes. Today we are going to cover the […]